Introduction: How will crowdfunding change the traditional media production industry?

I'm pretty excited, because I get to turn in my first writing assignment in my first call at my new college, today. This is only the introduction to a research paper that I will have written by the end of the month. Please feel free to comment.

For the past 60 or so years, we have mostly gotten movies through large production companies, such as MGM, Paramount, or other companies associated with Hollywood. With the advent of crowdfunding in the last few years, movies are being produced at the same professional quality, but by independent producers in small companies or by the ‘big names’ without a large company backer. Crowdfunding gives the creator complete control over their project, but it does not take away the movie pitching: the creator has to pitch his movie to a broader audience. Also, crowdfunding can’t always get as much funding for a movie as traditional funding could get, as is pointed out in “Why Kickstarter Can’t Usurp the Hollywood Entertainment-Industrial Complex” from So the question is not, ‘will crowdfunding replace traditional Hollywood funding,’ but ‘how will crowdfunding change the traditional media production industry?’

Mele, N. (2013, Apr).  Why Kickstarter Can’t Usurp the Hollywood Entertainment-Industrial Complex. Retrieved from


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