Exciting Things in Life

Well, today has been an exciting, new adventure. Not only have I started my first class in my new college, but I've also started a web comic. It's true that I only just transferred away from my junior college to a local 4 year university, but things got complicated at that university. Long story short: that university I was going to said I couldn't get my degree for another 4 years. My new university, National University, says they can get me out in less than two years. National is a weird and new experience for me since there's a class a month. It means that I can stay more focused and have less time to get distracted, like I would in a semester system.

My other new development in life is starting what I hope will be a regular web comic. I've been working on the comic on and off for a long time, something like 6 years. I had a bunch that I had posted to my website and found a stockpile that I had not yet scanned into my computer. So I've got a nice backlog of comics that will carry me through 'til the second week of October. I'm hoping this will give me enough bandwidth to focus on college in addition to the web comic.

Life is exciting! I'm hoping I don't get too overwhelmed.


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