Learning InDesign

Recently, I had the good fortune to come across a blog post that described how to get Adobe Photoshop and other Adobe products for free, with out breaking the law. So I merrily followed the instructions on the blog and got myself everything that Adobe had to offer. The catch with this is that they only offer the older versions of the software, specifically CS2, I believe. But if you're not down with Adobe's new software cloud thing (I kinda think that's a scam), or if you're just looking to get an introduction to the software, this is definitely the place to go.

Since I do a lot of digital art, Photoshop has always looked appealing to me. The images you can find when you look on DeviantArt alone are enough to convince any artist. I've used Photoshop Elements 2.0, a version I got for free when I purchased my Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet. Beyond Photoshop, however, I've had no experience with the other Adobe products.

I decided that it would be a good idea to get my feet wet with Adobe InDesign for whatever reason. When I started using, I didn't realize it was for creating printable books. I kinda thought it was a graphic design/logo design program, and so that's what I used it as. I used it to create my new logo for the most recent redesign of my website. Every once in a while, I decide to give it a revamp.

I'll admit that this logo isn't the greatest. Still, it fulfills my needs and makes for an interesting design. While InDesign wasn't made to create logos, I managed to badger it into succumbing to my will. The most complicated part of making my logo with InDesign was getting the logo saved as a .png file. Since InDesign is for making books, it doesn't give you an option to save in any image format. I side-stepped this by copying the logo, then pasting it into Photoshop. This is a little indirect, but it worked better than taking a screenshot of the logo. When you copy and paste it into Photoshop, PS still recognizes it as several distinct objects, and so let's you adjust each one without going around with the magic wand and painstakingly selecting each character so you can move it around. And even that wouldn't work, because it would leave a nasty white hole where your element used to be.


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