The Transition From Science to Art

So, about a year ago, I found out that, as much as I might love math and physics, they do not love me. In the cramped, fast-paced world of college classes, I couldn't keep up. Fortunately, I don't give up easily. It took a few months of soul searching, but I soon found that, instead of being an Astrophysicist like I had planned on being since I was 14, I was better suited to being a computer animator. While looking through my various options and degrees, it looked like getting a Bachelors in Fine Arts was the way to go.

To better understand the magnitude of this decision, let me give you some Amaryllis History. My mom works at HP as a IT consultant, she has a BS in Psychology, and has always loved the sciences. My dad is, in short, a rocket scientist. He's worked on the Space Shuttles' instrumentation, air planes, fighter jets, missiles, you name it. Me? When I was very little, I wanted to be an Astronaut. About when I was fourteen, I decided that I wasn't competitive enough to be an Astronaut, so Astrophysicist seemed the logical next step. I graduated a year early from high school (as Valedictorian, I might add), then immediately jumped into my first college math class: Calculus 1. I aced that class, went to college for two years, then decided that I would rather be a computer animator.

Becoming a computer animator, a mere artist, wasn't an easy decision.

Then came my transition from the world of brilliant engineers and physicists, to the world or emotional, illogical artists. Artists, who don't calculate, but FEEL. Artists who don't formulate or postulate, but emote. Since the beginning of the year, I've been in contact with artists and only artists, excluding my parents. So, is it any wonder that the first unattached, male engineer I run across I find extremely attractive? I think not. Not that his good looks don't help, but, like any good zombie fan, I only want men for their BRAAAAIIINSSS.

It's been a different experience to come across people that share my artistic talent, as opposed to my mathematical talent. While most of the people I run across are very creative, they aren't always really bright or thoughtful. Sure, they can create a bowl that signifies bravery, honour, and pizza, but they can't formulate ideas or concepts having to do with science, economics, or politics. The artists can come up with inventive ways to represent a person through a few simple lines, and evoke a strong emotion. They can explain the symmetry, shape, and texture of an engine, but they can't explain how it works.

But the transition into art hasn't been all weird and annoying. I've found that a fair portion of the people that I run into in my art classes are more mature than those in my math and science classes. That might just be because I'm on a different campus, but I think I'll just give art students the benefit of the doubt.


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