First QSO, or Ham Radio Communication

A few days ago, I received my amateur radio call sign, KJ6TFT. My dad was eager to get both of us our first QSO. My dad hadn't been able to make any contacts since we live in a ditch that prevents UHF and VHF radio frequencies from escaping. We were both excited that we had the opportunity to contact someone.

Soon, my dad was on his radio rig and I was on his HT (handy talkie). I walked out a little ways into out driveway and used the HT to try and contact him:
"AG6HU, this is KJ6TFT. Do you copy?"

He responded, we exchanged signal reports, then agreed to exchange QSL cards. I came back inside and my dad started making up the QSL card for me. At one point, he happened to look back at his rig. He noticed that the antenna had not been hooked up for the QSO.

We had had surprisingly good reception for a ditch.


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