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Reusing Keurig Plastic Coffee Pods for Gardening

Do you have awful coworkers that drink Keurig-made coffee everyday? Do you feel terrible, watching the plastic pods get used once, then thrown in the garbage? Well, me too, my dude. My roommate recently brought home a collection of these used pods, hoping to find something to do with them. He ended up leaving them on the counter until inspiration struck, which it recently did for me. I've gotten super into gardening, lately. Jumping feet-first into everything and hoping for the best. I started researching hydroponics and, of course, I got excited about it. I learned that one of necessary tools for hydroponics is something called a net pot. A net pot is like any other gardening pot, except filled with slots and holes. So I guess that means it's actually not like every other pot... Moving on, I looked up net pot prices and was disappointed with how expensive they are. I'm a huge cheapskate, so I avoid spending money as much as I can. That's when I remembered the Keu

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